Recently it easy to notice that fashion blogs started to put culinary subjects into the posts. I also saw that in my photos are not only outfits ans fashion accessories but also fresh croisssants or colourful drinks. I've been thinkg about a post about my favourite flavours for a quite long time. Cooking and baking has become my hobby, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but it is one of my pleausures. On my lyst of the most viewed websites are few culinary blogs and in my free time I look for sme new ideas for interesting meals. I check also new places to visit in Warsaw, like cafes or restaurants. I've just come back from my last trip this summer and equipped with british fashion press I found an article entitled "Food is the new fashion". The journalist is writing about the phonomenon which probably most of you have noticed and I am somewhat a victim of. Formerly, most of us were likely to spend all our spare cash on shoes and now we're more likely to get rid of them at local delicatessen. In this case it isn't because of need for calories, diets or eating our sorrows away. Today we pay more attention to the quality, smell, original look, ingredients from varied places around the world or even the package. We can spend a little more money on biscuits because they would look better in our cupboards or desk. Meals are increasingly celebrated and as some time age healthy food became fashionable now the case is not only that it should be healthy but also sophisticated, fancy. Colors, shapes and smells are almost as important for us as the taste. Despite all this changes I don't think that carton boxes with Bic Macs will disappear and fast foods' turnovers will drastically decrease. I suppose that even latest culinary trends seeker has such moments when she decides to eat just a bread with leaking sauce in a disposable box.
Skoro juz zatrzymałam się przy tematyce zmysłów, chciałabym Wam polecić nieco mniej kaloryczny sposób na zaspokojenie Waszych potrzeb. Nietsety nie zaspokoi on Waszego apetytu, ale mogę zapewnić, że będzie przyjemny chociaż dla waszych oczu. W tym wypadku chodzi mi o fotografię. Jest to kolejna z przyjemności, ale nie chodzi teraz o moją pasję, lecz o kogoś ze znajomych. Trochę reklamy dla początkującej blogerki. Fotografie umieszczone na tej stronie sama przeglądam i polecam. Mam nadzieję, że uchwycone tam momenty pobudzą Wasze zmysły, trafią w Wasze gusty i może będą źródłem inspiracji.
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As I ended up writing about senses I would like to recommend you a little less caloric way to satisfy your needs. Unfortunately, it won't satisfy your appetite but I can assure that it will be pleasing to your eyes though. In this case I'm talking about photography. It is another pleasures but it isn't about my passion this time but on of my friends. A little advertising for the novice blogger. Photographs posted on this page I browse and fully recommend. I hope that moments captured here will stimulate your senses, meet up your expectations and can be a source of inspiration.
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