Może za bardzo uciekłam w marzycielskość i egzystencjalne rozterki. Wszystko tak naprawdę, łącznie z czasami męczącymi przygotowaniami było przede wszystkim zabawą. Ja miałam dodatkową przyjemność ze szperania pomiędzy półkami różnorodnych tkanin. Wiele szkiców, pomysłów, krojów i kolorów, i tak skierowało mnie w kierunku klasyki i minimalizmu. Bo jak mawiała Coco Chanel: ,,Prostota jest myślą przewodnią wszelkiej prawdziwej elegancji".
Clattering high heels, the smell of perfume and perfectly glowing hair. When entering the hotel lobby you had the impression that you exceed the threshold of some other reality. Everyone we meet every day sleepy at eight o'clock in the morning, now all of them are dressed smart and dancing polonaise. Prom, the big evening that takes place one hundred days before graduation. I have to admit that this kind of 'school party' made a big impression on me. The whole process of preparation and expectation only strengthened the final result. Everyone at more or less degree attached importance to this event. Nevertheless, this is the end of a certain stage, accompanied by curiosity and a certain amount of uncertainty about what the future will bring.
Maybe I zoned out a little bit and became too languorous with all those existential dilemmas. Everything really, including the sometimes tiring preparation was mainly fun. I had the additional pleasure of browsing among the shelves of a variety of fabrics. Many sketches, ideas, typefaces and colors, at the end directed me towards the classics and minimalism, anyway. Because as Coco Chanel used to say: 'Simplicty is the keynote of all true elegance "
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